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Writer's pictureWhitney Stohr

Those Damn Mountain States.

To begin, let me say this:


The Mountain West states collectively house some of the most uniquely gorgeous terrain in this whole f-ing country. These Rocky Mountain states are pure beauty — from the highest peaks to the desert landscapes of the southernmost range.

Pure. Fucking. Beauty.


For me personally, in my individual capacity, as a healthy woman of adventurous spirit and physical grit, I find the Mountain West states among the most exciting of areas. If my responsibilities in life centered solely around myself, my work-from-home ass would be living in a well-worn pair of hiking boots made for tramping up and down those mountains.


As a medical-caregiving mother, however, any travel route requiring us to cross over the Continental Divide will surely elicit the loudest of groans…. the longest of sighs…. a quite noticeable frown.




(And Utah, and Montana, and Wyoming — all of y’all — from Canada, right on down to Mexico.)


These places were settled by pioneers — whole wagon-loads of wildly brash pioneers. (It must have been the case because I cannot FATHOM riding my butt in a wagon across the prairie and through the desert, only to reach a wall of TOWERING mountains, knowing full well that winter is going to utterly kick your ass, and still think -- "Yes, yes, this is the place I shall settle Grandmama, Paw and the kids.")

And I absolutely believe that pioneering spirit still lives within the people who call the Mountain West home. They carry an assertive quality about them, a low-key but observable boldness....

I admit, it is a lifestyle of which I am somewhat envious.


But as a medical-caregiving mother, I also know that — along with the magnificence of the Mountain West — there is also a lot of absurdly high elevation climbs that will absolutely necessitate my son’s use of a ventilator and oxygen. I know that their access to unparalleled recreational opportunities is weighted against the lack of consistent access to quality medical care.


The Mountain West is extraordinary, and it is treacherous.

It is both incredible and, in many places, exceedingly desolate.

It is nerve-wracking and often quite stressful.


Our family must, without any question, approach Rocky Mountain travel with a heightened level of caution. Mindful travel is key.


We jump from larger city to larger city, increasing our probability of accessing medical care within a reasonable time frame, if needed. We limit the number of overnight stays in rural areas, always remaining within reach of a community hospital with a 24-hour emergency department. And we always, always, always overpack medical supplies.


As a medical-caregiving mother, traveling through the Mountain West requires a lot more planning and far more consideration of the what-ifs.


We absolutely still make the trip.

The travel itself is always worth it, of course.

It is stressful, but worth it....


And, whenever we are there in those Rocky Mountain states, I am reminded once again exactly why people love it — the beauty, the recreation, that feeling of natural freedom.


I get it.

Really, truly — I do get it.


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