Homeschool WEEK 7 Recap:
*** Read this post for more information on our homeschool philosophy and approach to learning.
Outing: Hiking at Millersylvania State Park (Olympia, WA)
Outing: Forest School Tuesday
The boys will both be participating in a Forest School program for two hours every Tuesday morning. They are part of a large group of kids and will spend the time learning about nature and engaging in unstructured play.

Outing: Hands On Children's Museum (Olympia, WA)

Online Group: Drum Circle
The boys have long participated in a weekly online drumming class with Drum to LEARN, a nonprofit organization. The instructor is a child development specialist who combines lessons in music and rhythm with social and emotional learning and literacy.
MALACHI -- G is for Gazelle
> Letter Journal: Practice writing the letter "G" in journal
> Video: "10 Gazelle Facts - Tiny Bovine of the Savannah" by Animal a Day (YouTube)
> Art/Occupational Therapy: Color & cut DIY gazelle mask craft (Pinterest inspo)
> Physical Therapy: Short-sitting practice on workbench with puzzles
> Gazelle coloring sheet
> Letter Journal: Practice writing name to finish "desk work"
DEACON -- Colors Black & White
> Preschool songs about colors black and white (YouTube) (Used Malachi's assistive technology language device to reinforce communication around colors)
> White color crayon on black paper
MALACHI -- G is for Garden & Grow
> Discussion about gardens: What they are and what they look like. Selected cutouts of greenery and agricultural-based images from magazines and pasted them on paper to create his own "Malachi's Garden"
> Video: "Squeaks Grows a Garden" by SciShow Kids (YouTube)
> Science: Talk about seeds and germination as we set up our experiment to watch seeds sprout, using beans in a ziploc baggie with a damp paper towel.
> Outing: Visit to Jason's Greenhouse (Yelm, Washington) to see greenhouse plants
> Fine motor skills: Fun with playdoh!
Outing: Baby Story Time!
On Thursdays, Malachi and I take Deacon to a Baby Story Time program at our local library. It is hugely beneficial for Deacon to engage in the singing and dancing and to play with his peer group. Malachi enjoys the stories, too.
Year-Long Project: Discover Dairy Adopt-A-Cow
The boys have "adopted" a calf this year from a rural dairy farm and will be learning about farm animal care and wellbeing, sustainable farm management practices, and the dairy industry during 2024-25 school year.

> Book: "Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy" by Lynley Dodd (Both boys LOVE this book!)
> Review 1-month updates tracking the growth of our cow, Sunset, and added the new growth marks to our charts and graphs
Speech Therapy at Greenhouse Therapy in Olympia, WA for Malachi AND a speech therapy evaluation for Deacon
MALACHI -- G is for Gourd
> Letter Journal: Practice writing the letter "G" in journal
> Video: "Pumpkins, Gourds, & More! Harry Kindergarten Goes to the Pumpkin Patch" by Harry Kindergarten Music (YouTube)
> Book: "The Vanishing Gourds: A Sukkot Mystery" by Susan Axe-Bronk (cultural learning experience about Jewish holiday) (with AAC Assistive Technology language modeling)
> Cooking: Cutting up and baking pumpkins
DEACON -- Colors Black & White
> Preschool songs about colors black and white (YouTube)
> Black fingerpainting on white paper in ziploc baggie
> Black color crayons on white paper